The Marilyn Chambers Online Archive
Marilyn Chambers' Private Fantasies (1983-1986)

Starring*: Marilyn Chambers, Buck Adams (4), Jack Baker (2), Andre Bolla (6), Lana Burner (6), Jerry Butler (5, 6), Tom Byron (2, 6), Christy Canyon (6), Rick Cassidy (3), Abigail Clayton (1), Billy Dee (4, 5), Bobby Dee (2), Steve Drake (5), Kent Hall (1) Annette Haven (1), John Holmes (1), Kevin James (5, 6), Ron Jeremy (3), Jane Lindsay (1), Traci Lords (5, 6), Jon Martin (1), Michael Morrison (1), Peter North (4), Richard Pacheco (5, reissue), Blake Palmer (2), Sandy Pinney (1), Steve Powers (2), Nick Random (3, 5), Mike Ranger (1), Tantala Ray (2, 3, 5), Steve Redding (2), Harry Reems (4, 6), Tyler Reynolds (1), Craig Roberts (2), Ami Rodgers (5), Herschel Savage (4), Rick Savage (4), Sheri St. Clair (4), Marc Wallice (2), Ashley Welles (1), Ray Wells (1), Susy Whitebond (4)
Director: Jack Remy (1, 4, 5, 6); Kate Jillian (2); Ned Moorehead (2, 3); Stu Segall (1)
Writer: Marilyn Chambers (3-6)
Released: 1983 (#1); 1984 (#2 & #3); 1985 (#4 & #5); 1986 (#6); Caballero Home Video (all)
*Numbers in parentheses indicate in which volume(s) the actors appear.
This six-part video series, Marilyn's last great porn hurrah (not counting her late-90s comeback), was one of the most successful adult film video series in the early days of VHS. Each one featured a series of vignettes, four or five realized sexual fantasies, with a brief introduction to each by Marilyn. It also paired Marilyn with some of the hottest names in the adult entertainment industry including Herschel Savage, Ron Jeremy, Tom Byron, Harry Reems, Peter North and John Holmes. The series is notable too for giving Marilyn her first screenwriting credits.
The first installment was filmed in 1980 around the same time as Insatiable. In fact, some of the music used for Insatiable was also used in Private Fantasies #1. A couple of the "fantasies" in PF #1 were just recycled scenes from the feature-length film Spirit of Seventy Sex (1976) directed by Stu Segall, who also directed Insatiable, and featuring Annette Haven and Tyler Reynolds. Reynolds appeared with Marilyn in Green Door, as one of the men on the trapeze, and Inside Marilyn Chambers.
Private Fantasies #5 and #6 achieved some notoriety as both featured scenes with an underage Traci Lords. When the scandal involving Lords was exposed, the scene in PF5 in which she was featured (which was one of the few to not feature Marilyn) was replaced by the radio blowjob scene from Up 'n' Coming with Marilyn and Richard Pacheco. Original VHS copies featuring the Lords scene occasionally come up for auction on eBay. You can tell it's original because Lords' photo is featured on the cover of the box. The scene in PF6 featuring Lords was deleted altogether but not replaced with anything.
The series was released on DVD in 2001 by i-candy DVD and is still available.

Marilyn and John Holmes filmed a scene for Private Fantasies #1 around the time they filmed their scene for Insatiable. These photos were taken on the set of PF #1.

Promotional photos for Private Fantasies #2 (1984). Pictured with Tom Byron at right.

Marilyn and Ron Jeremy in Private Fantasies #3 (1984). They previously worked together on the Sensual Secrets book.

Above: box covers for the Private Fantasies series. The inset photo of Traci Lords on the cover of the fifth entry was replaced when it was discovered Lords was underaged. Her name was removed the cover of the sixth entry as well. Left: Advertising one sheet for Private Fantasies #2.